Carrol passed away October 19, 2020 of complications associated with Chronic Inflammatory Demylenating Polyneuropathy (C-I-D-P), a neurogical disorder that weakens the limbs. He was married to fellow classmate Cheyenne Cox for 44 years. He retired from the U.S. Army with 23 years service. They had 2 children, Jared and Canonica, and 4 grandchildren. They lived in Germany during 1978. After retiring from the Army, Carrol taught Culinary Arts at Hallandale Adult Community Center for about five years, he then opened and operated his own takeout restaurant, Stubbest Catering and Takeout for approximately 20 years. Carrol also spent time as a distributor for Herbalife Nutrition. His life was full and blessed, including travels to Hawaii and Alaska as well as the Carribbean. He loved Las Vegas. He is sorely missed by the surviving family which includes both his parents, one brother and one sister.
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